TATA’S of India have taken over the most prestigious brand Jaguar and Land Rover from Ford motor company. Ford was incurring huge loses for ford , and Land Rover was only slightly profitable. However the question remains weather the Tata’s can manage a Global auto Brand like Jaguar in the super Luxury category! So far their record is very impressing, if we look at their other takeovers in Europe, including the Steel plant and Tetley tea. Lately Tata’s have been in the news for making the cheapest car NANO in India!
Tata’s are however upbeat on their takeover of Jaguar. In my opinion it was only logical that a company who is also a major auto component manufacturer and supplier will take this step which will add value to their products and give them a strong hold in Europe and America with already established network of Ford motor company. Tata empire has a strong hold eg:they manufecture steel,auto parts and have solid skilled engineers in India and abroad.As designing was not their strong point, the R&D cell of Rover and Jaguar will be a prized asset which will also show its effect in other TATA autos.
One big question that many people may ask is how the Tata’s funding so much growth as only last year they shopped for 11 billion for a steel plant .Also a few years back they bought Tetley and a US coffee brand.
Tata’s are however upbeat on their takeover of Jaguar. In my opinion it was only logical that a company who is also a major auto component manufacturer and supplier will take this step which will add value to their products and give them a strong hold in Europe and America with already established network of Ford motor company. Tata empire has a strong hold eg:they manufecture steel,auto parts and have solid skilled engineers in India and abroad.As designing was not their strong point, the R&D cell of Rover and Jaguar will be a prized asset which will also show its effect in other TATA autos.
One big question that many people may ask is how the Tata’s funding so much growth as only last year they shopped for 11 billion for a steel plant .Also a few years back they bought Tetley and a US coffee brand.