Mistake no 1: Arriving late for an interview /sleeping away!
Go for an interview even if you feel unfortable.List your priorities in life.Dont spend your interview date sleeping away.
Mistake No. 2: Being arrogant at work or during an interview will only make things worse.Attitude is very important.Be kind to your coleages.Remember that ,you are being watched before and after an interview.Be kind to that receptionist.Research interview questions they might ask.
Mistake no.3: Remember names!Forgetting names can seriously jeopardise you chances of getting employed.Research the company and the names.Be polite to the secretary and ask her name.She is your connection with the interviewers.Interview questions are specifically designed to test your memory.
Mistake No. 4: Make sure that your resume is nicely typed and there are no spelling mistakes.Wrong spellings make a bad impression on the prospective employers.Your cover letter speaks a ton about you and the job offered.Business resumes are often carefully screened.Get your friend to find any faults on your resume and cover letter.B sure to include why you think this job is for you.many online sites like careerbuilder.com and monster.com offer resume templates.Use these resume templates.
Mistake No. 5: Make sure that you don’t give reference of people you don’t know !Ask before hand,if you can take their name in your reference column.Also don’t include the reference of employees from a rival company.Send a copy of your sample resume to your mentor for checking.Writing job resume ,is an art.
Mistake No. 6: Be specific and polite with the interviewer.They might ask you questions which might make you nervous or angry.Remember they are testing your stress levels.Never be too emotional during an interview.
Mistake no.7:Dress appropriately.Don't be too flashy and don’t wear branded clothes.Avoid giving an interview wearing BENETTON or Armani.Be conservative.Your resume and cover letter have already told them much about you!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
7 steps for a succesful interview!
Monday, December 22, 2008

Business Secretary Lord Mandelson is doubtful that it can help though!However JAGUAR is a British ICON of the sort and is very popular among the elite class of cars.
Debasis Ray, head of corporate communications for Tata, refused to comment on this issue.This issue has been reported in Financial times.The union has been backing the Tata group.
Labour peer Lord Bhattacharyya had suggested ministers were discussing a £667m loan package for Jaguar but are still not sure.If the bailout doesn't go ahead for car industry, some 800,000 jobs might be axed.Ratan Tata is a sensible businessmen is much adored and discussed as a gentlemen among greedy businesspeople.He comes from the long line of Tata families who are the backbone of Indian industries.Last year only he unveiled the peoples car “Nano” in India.Recently his group hotel The TAJ TRIDENT and TAJ MAHAL HOTEL was attacked by Pakistani terrorists in Mumbai.People of India are demanding that Ratan Tata be given the highest post in Indian politics.Such is his popularity that even the young generation of India look up to him for inspiration.People in India are tired of corrupt and characterless politicians and are increasingly looking at people like Ratan Tata to bail out Indian Politics.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Hot blonde's replaces Santa this Xmas!

Blonde's are subject of jokes in the offices too with everyone trying to cheer their colleagues.It is a far cry from previous times when television news and department stores would declare that “Santa Klaus is coming to town”.Children at those times were interested in Santa but it seems video games and Internet toys have taken top priority.
Grown up men are more interested in beautiful blonde's than Santa.Marketing companies did what was expected!They produced a hybrid of Santa Klaus and “hot blonde's”.This busty blonde's would make Christmas a little tolerable for the men folk.Advertisement companies are looking for beautiful blonde's to pose as female Santa!Anybody interested!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
A lot has been said and shown about George W Bush on the Internet and YouTube videos.Its not a surprise that he was the most watched person on the Internet humour mills.In the history Bush may go down as the popular joker and entertainer .However what happened in the Iraqi press conference during his farewell tour was simply too comic.During his speech a pair of shoe were thrown at him by a Iraqi TV journalist MUNTADAR AL-ZEIDI.It was a farewell gift from Iraqi as he commented after being roughed up by security personal. BUSH remembers that it was a size 10 shoe.It was commonly reported that Bush Junior was shooed away! Shoe thrower is famous now in the arab world.
Now Internet humour pundits will make it an agenda and bloggers shall be working overtime to increase the popularity of their blogs.Humour at Dubya’s expense.Now that Bush will be out of office who will keep us entertained? President Obama is too serious to make any dent on internet humour circles.Bill Clinton did his part with Monica Lewinsky.
People blame Dubya for all the problems in the world but they forget that their was an entire team who was pushing him into these blunders.Why no one is pulling Dick Cheney or Rumsfeld for these blunders in Iraq?Dubya is being made an scape goat for killing 2 million people in Iraq and Afghanistan.To me, he looks like a simple guy who loves his golf and American football.He is too unintelligent to make any major moves without anybody forcing him to move .So clearly he might have been pushed by Cheney and Rumsfeld to do things which would have benefited the company “HALLI BURTON” or CARLYLE GROUP.
George W shall be afraid of flying shoes all his life and may suffer from shoe phobia.He is unlikely to visit any footwear showrooms for next few years.He might even get nightmares about shoe monsters turning blue on him.Imagine the trauma Bush junior will face all his life.He might use influence in Washington to block any funding for the likes of NIKE OR REEBOK,PUMA ETC.He might even forbid his cute wife to wear footwear and retreat to their ranch in Texas and declare himself “George of the Jungle”.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Will white house help?

American auto industry is old enough to understand the meaning of innovation.However the bosses in Detroit were to pampered to understand the changing scenario in world auto trends.When you are the boss of a giant industry you should also try and understand the mentality of your end clients.Its all well to have plush board meetings and gross over working seminars on palm beach but altogether a different ball game when understanding the consumer requirements.Japanese are not only innovative but quite adaptable too.Even the Chinese and the Indians are making better autos than the Americans for last 20 years or so!German engineering has an edge when it comes to auto technology along with the Japanese but India and Chinese are catching up too.In Detroit the Americans were sleeping for last 20 years and suddenly woken up to the harsh reality of loosing a considerable part of market share but technological excellence too.Financial crisis took its toll and now the Detroit group is on all fours asking for tax payers money pretending to bounce back.Washington asks them for a plan, and they come out with a dead turkey!
World has changed since Henry Ford went for mass production of cars.Today the emphasis is on smaller and more greener car.We humans have taken environment for granted and time is running out for a major disaster to happen.Oil lobby in Washington had for many years prevented any green fuels or technology to emerge.Oil industry funds the auto lobby in Washington and hence Saudi Arabia benefits and funds terrorism across globe.
This is exactly the time to put an end to all these rubbish lobby groups in pentagon.They corrupt the politicians and hence the public suffers because of half hearted policies of the government.This was exactly the reason why Bush made a mockery out of Kyoto protocol.Yes I understand that jobs will be lost but they will be lost anyway as all that bailout money will be ill used.When Detroit doesn't have any plans for making small ,fuel efficient cars,hence consumers will not buy anything for them.Jobs will be gone anyway!
Better still call the European and Japanese companies in Detroit and retrain the workforce for making fuel efficient and green cars.Hybrid cars are getting popular so why not invest money in those ventures.This will weaken the oil lobby in Washington and make way for researchers to get more funds for environment friendly technology to emerge.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
The campus interviews have taken a nose dive with very few placements.For students the placements are a major draw when they fork out thousands of dollars for the schools.Even the Business school teachers are at a loss of words when asked about when the situation might improve.Majority of the students in US business schools come from Asia mainly from India.This year students are taking it easy.
Robert kinesis a MBA school aspirant says that his confidence in business studies has gone down as he says even after spending thousand of dollars these so called financial engineers cannot understand the head or tail of finance.Others argue that business cannot be learned in school.It comes from the spirit of entrepreneurship and leadership with which one is born.Bill Gates or Warren buffets are not MBA’s and so are 90% of business leaders.
Friday, December 5, 2008

This is the worse time since 1974 when so many jobs were lost in the world. Stephen Stanley, chief U.S. economist at RBS Greenwich in Greenwich, Conn admitted that things are worse off than previously predicted.Obama has predicted that situation might improve only after 2011.
So what is the option for people who have already layed off or going to be layed off in coming years.Since America is the core of capitalism it means a disaster for the rest of the world too.Countries like China and India who were suppose to act as catalyst for world economy are themselves sinking slowly.After the terror act in Mumbai India,even people have lost faith in politicians and system. Service-providing businesses alone shed 370,000 jobs in November, or two-thirds of the overall job declines, following a loss of 153,000 jobs the month before.That meant labor market weakness has now shifted over from the goods-producing sectors of the economy to the far more important services sector, which delivers almost 80 percent of U.S. output.
All said and done what can we do?Times shall be real hard.This is the correct time for rethinking our priorities for the next 50 years.May be this is a chance given to us by unseen forces to make earth a better place!The G-20 nations should gather in remote islands like Madagascar and develop a strategy where world will come together and coexist peacefully.We have already seen how extremism effects not only countries but the whole foundations of human being.No amount of bailouts will help if the citizens have lost faith in the system.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
American education too expensive now!

UNAffordable US education!
Higher education in US is almost becoming unaffordable as per the recent survey by new york times.This is the result of commercialization of the education system.Education is a must for nay country to develop and prosper.Any nation consists of people and people should be taught newer skills and research based technical knowledge.If you don’t do it than you have to import immigrants who got their education at a affordable price.The best example of this trend was when many pass outs of the Indian institute of technology who paid peanuts for quality education as these were funded by Indian government.However America benefited from this trend.However US educational institutes charge you a bomb in some cases a entire year salary of a medium wage earner annually.The best example would be increasing taxes for corporates and bring that money in medical and technical education.The dream of any father is to see his off springs through the college,but instead these kids end up working for pizza deliveries or McDonald's to earn their pocket money.MBA in a decent university may put you back by almost US$40000.To top all this is that job market is very poor and will remain so till 2011 if all goes well.Banks will charge high interest rate due to credit crunch.May be the college fee should come down and thats a solution not a recomendation though.
While tuition has risen at public universities, his report said, that has largely been to make up for declining state appropriations. The report offered its own cost projections, not including room and board.
“Projecting out to 2036, tuition would go from 11 percent of the family budget to 24 percent of the family budget, and that’s pretty huge,” Mr. Shulenburger said. “We only looked at tuition and fees because those are the only things we can control.”

This post is dedicated to the memory of all the innocent people killed in Mumbai Terror in India.My special salute to the Indian commandos(NSG) to fought bravely to free the hostages from the devil Islamic Pakistani animals.Police commisioner Karkare, Amte and Sandeep Unnikrishnan along with their other partners gave up their today for our tomorrow.We want to deserve it!Enough is Enough!Politicians are rascals!
The Taj mahal hotel is the most beautiful building in Mumbai.It was designed and built by Jamsedji Tata one of the founders of TATA empire in 1903 because he was restricted entry into an adjacent hotel by the white British officers who were controlling India at that time.
It belongs to Tata group of hotels and is one of the top luxury hotels in the world.It is accompanied by newly built Taj towers which is multistoried hotel adjacent to it.However recently both were pounded by Islamic terrorist from Pakistan.It was a painful site to see many people dead and beautiful Taj being destroyed.
The aim of the terrorist is to spread terror.However Islamic terrorists are even dangerous because they extra motivated by fundamentalists causes.They step down from being humans to being animals.They have no regard for a child and women and innocent old people and they kill anyone anytime.Needless to say Muslims also live in different parts of the world but no one is as dangerous and animal like the one’s in Pakistan.How did Pakistan come to such a stage?Well the very foundations on which Pakistan is built is made of sand.The moment it declared itself as an Islamic republic it became a failed state ruled by proxy powers which were equally brutal and devoid of any human like characteristics.They also want that Islam should rule the world,which every one knows is never going to happen.The Taliban (the proxy Pakistani mafia) which rules Pakistan and parts of Afghanistan consists of animals of the worst kind.They are the hyena’s of the human world.They rape,they grow narcotics,they smuggle arm,they kill innocent children and women!Even the legal Pakistan government is unable to control them.Pakistan;s ISI is an integral part of this Taliban.They are also raise funds in Saudi Arabia ,UAE and other Arab countries.This funds are the backbone of their operations.
In my opinion if Saudi Arabia and Pakistan can be controlled by UN a lot can be achieved.They even send funds to India to the local Muslim non profit outfits which trains local Islamic terrorists to kill innocent people in Delhi and Mumbai.In India a lot can be done by Muslim organizations to control this menace but that commitment is lacking.This brings me to the question “ Are local Indian Muslims helping Islamic terror organizations? This is something the Indian government must find out.So far IB and CBI have failed to move in the right direction as is very clear from the numerous attacks that India has tolerated.Main agenda is not to blame each other but to move in the right direction,otherwise the day is not far when India will be called “Islamic republic of India”!
Indonesia,Malaysia have already bowed down!We Indians should come together to stop this!