The auto bailout has collapsed during the senate procedural vote.This was the top news on CNN today.I had no doubts that these bailouts plans are not viable.
American auto industry is old enough to understand the meaning of innovation.However the bosses in Detroit were to pampered to understand the changing scenario in world auto trends.When you are the boss of a giant industry you should also try and understand the mentality of your end clients.Its all well to have plush board meetings and gross over working seminars on palm beach but altogether a different ball game when understanding the consumer requirements.Japanese are not only innovative but quite adaptable too.Even the Chinese and the Indians are making better autos than the Americans for last 20 years or so!German engineering has an edge when it comes to auto technology along with the Japanese but India and Chinese are catching up too.In Detroit the Americans were sleeping for last 20 years and suddenly woken up to the harsh reality of loosing a considerable part of market share but technological excellence too.Financial crisis took its toll and now the Detroit group is on all fours asking for tax payers money pretending to bounce back.Washington asks them for a plan, and they come out with a dead turkey!
World has changed since Henry Ford went for mass production of cars.Today the emphasis is on smaller and more greener car.We humans have taken environment for granted and time is running out for a major disaster to happen.Oil lobby in Washington had for many years prevented any green fuels or technology to emerge.Oil industry funds the auto lobby in Washington and hence Saudi Arabia benefits and funds terrorism across globe.
This is exactly the time to put an end to all these rubbish lobby groups in pentagon.They corrupt the politicians and hence the public suffers because of half hearted policies of the government.This was exactly the reason why Bush made a mockery out of Kyoto protocol.Yes I understand that jobs will be lost but they will be lost anyway as all that bailout money will be ill used.When Detroit doesn't have any plans for making small ,fuel efficient cars,hence consumers will not buy anything for them.Jobs will be gone anyway!
Better still call the European and Japanese companies in Detroit and retrain the workforce for making fuel efficient and green cars.Hybrid cars are getting popular so why not invest money in those ventures.This will weaken the oil lobby in Washington and make way for researchers to get more funds for environment friendly technology to emerge.
American auto industry is old enough to understand the meaning of innovation.However the bosses in Detroit were to pampered to understand the changing scenario in world auto trends.When you are the boss of a giant industry you should also try and understand the mentality of your end clients.Its all well to have plush board meetings and gross over working seminars on palm beach but altogether a different ball game when understanding the consumer requirements.Japanese are not only innovative but quite adaptable too.Even the Chinese and the Indians are making better autos than the Americans for last 20 years or so!German engineering has an edge when it comes to auto technology along with the Japanese but India and Chinese are catching up too.In Detroit the Americans were sleeping for last 20 years and suddenly woken up to the harsh reality of loosing a considerable part of market share but technological excellence too.Financial crisis took its toll and now the Detroit group is on all fours asking for tax payers money pretending to bounce back.Washington asks them for a plan, and they come out with a dead turkey!
World has changed since Henry Ford went for mass production of cars.Today the emphasis is on smaller and more greener car.We humans have taken environment for granted and time is running out for a major disaster to happen.Oil lobby in Washington had for many years prevented any green fuels or technology to emerge.Oil industry funds the auto lobby in Washington and hence Saudi Arabia benefits and funds terrorism across globe.
This is exactly the time to put an end to all these rubbish lobby groups in pentagon.They corrupt the politicians and hence the public suffers because of half hearted policies of the government.This was exactly the reason why Bush made a mockery out of Kyoto protocol.Yes I understand that jobs will be lost but they will be lost anyway as all that bailout money will be ill used.When Detroit doesn't have any plans for making small ,fuel efficient cars,hence consumers will not buy anything for them.Jobs will be gone anyway!
Better still call the European and Japanese companies in Detroit and retrain the workforce for making fuel efficient and green cars.Hybrid cars are getting popular so why not invest money in those ventures.This will weaken the oil lobby in Washington and make way for researchers to get more funds for environment friendly technology to emerge.
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