There shall be other green industries also like recycling, plantations and biofuels which shall thrive in next few years.However there is a major problem!
The problem is the skilled manpower which understands these technologies and are globally accepted.Currently not many universities are offering these programs.Few Universities in Sweden do offer masters in Eco systems. There is big shortage of research into these topics.If the just 2% of global funds are allotted to the research we will have a vibrant eco based industries in next 5-7 yers time.young people have to be educated about this.An MBA programme is being offered by few universities in these rechnologies but its not enough due to the lack of research infrastructure.
Disaster management is another area where top MBA’s shall be needed in vast numbers.However the problem is the same as only few universities offer it!
Should our global leaders unite to form a global fund?Should International monetary fund(IMF) renamed as World ECO FUND?
Organisations like UN and UNISEF are doing some work in this field but its not enough!
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